Flixo Energy


Flixo Energy

from $515.00

Flixo Energy

is a two-dimensional thermal bridge analysis program with intuitive operation, complete drawing capability, and excellent reporting functions.

  • Allows you to draw details (including complex geometry) and quickly modify dimensions, geometry, materials, boundary conditions, etc.

  • Allows you to import DXF and DWG drawings and quickly modify them.

  • Allows direct import of THERM files and quickly modify them.

Available only as a yearly subscription including upgrades and basic support.

There are three options for installing and using a Flixo Energy license:

First, you can install an individual Flixo Energy license directly on your PC (or Mac running Windows or as a VM)*.

Upon receiving your payment, we will send by email instructions including a unique alphanumeric “ticket” for you to download and install your Flixo Energy license. Your Flixo Energy license will be “bound” to your computer.

If you plan to replace your PC or Mac, you must first return your Flixo Energy license electronically to the producer before you dispose of your PC or Mac. And then you can transfer your license to your new PC/Mac.

*NOTE: Flixo Energy software is slightly different for Apple/IOS than for the default installation on a PC operating Windows. We must know in advance if you will install your Flixo Energy on an Apple running IOS or use a Virtual Machine.

Please call or send an email prior to placing your order if you plan to install Flixo Energy on a device other than a PC.

Second, you can purchase an individual Flixo Energy license enabled by the optional Flixo USB license “key” (aka “dongle”).** This USB key is a one-time purchase for $100 plus shipping. This USB key cost is not included in the $515/year price of Flixo Energy.

The benefit of this installation and use option is that even though your Flixo Energy is “bound” to the USB key, you can run your Flixo Energy on any PC or Mac (one at at time) by inserting the USB license key (aka “dongle”) into the PC or Mac (after first downloading and installing Flixo Energy on the PC or Mac). The USB key enables the Flixo Energy software to run.

Thus, you and your colleagues can share a single Flixo Energy license without having to share the same PC or Mac (although only one of you at a time can use the Flixo Energy license) by taking turns and passing around your Flixo USB key to the next person who wants to use the Flixo Energy license.

You can purchase only one individual Flixo Energy license at a time from this Shop.

If you need more individual Flixo Energy licenses, please contact us and ask about our discount for purchasing multiple individual Flixo Energy licenses at the same time with a single payment.

**Note: Flixo USB key-enabled Flixo Energy is highly recommended for Apple/IOS devices.

Third, you can install and use Flixo Energy on a network. The price for networked Flixo Energy is higher than the price listed here for an individual Flixo Energy license, but it allows two employees to simultaneously use Flixo Energy from any location where they have network access.

If you are interested, please contact us for details and pricing (including prices for a higher number of simultaneous users).

Thus, the Flixo USB license key is optional. Whether you need it or not depends on which of the two installation and operation options described above which you choose.

It is NOT required for the first installation option described above.

It IS required for the second installation options described above.

Renewals. If you are ordering Flixo Energy to renew your subscription and already own and use a Flixo USB key to enable your Flixo Energy subscription—and wish to continue that operation method— you need not order another USB key. Simply select "without Flixo USB key" option below. After receiving your order, we will send instructions on how to reprogram the Flixo USB key you already own to renew your subscription.

If you have used a Flixo USB key in the past for another version of Flixo (such as Flixo Frame or Flixo Pro), we help you reprogram your Flixo USB key to enable Flixo Energy.

If you are renewing Flixo Energy bound to a PC, simply select “without Flixo USB key” option below.

The USB license key is a one-time purchase (unless you lose it).

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